RCC’s Bennett named President of NC Mathematics Association
Robeson Community College is proud to announce the appointment of John Bennett as President of the NC Mathematics Association for Two Year Colleges. Bennett is a mathematics instructor for the college.
“To be quite honest, I was surprised and proud,” stated Bennett. “Before RCC, I was at Halifax which is a smaller community college, so for someone to go from there to being President of NCMATYC really shows how open the organization is in including everyone.”
NCMATYC is a non-profit, education organization whose purpose is to facilitate communication and cooperation among mathematics instructors within the North Carolina Community College System, to encourage development of effective and meaningful mathematics courses, and improve the math experiences of two-year college students and instructors. The organization also acts as a way to promote professional development of its members.
“NCMATYC is the state version of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year College, (AMATYC),” stated Bennett.
Bennett began serving on the Executive Board as President-Elect in July 2020 and now begins his two-year term as President. His term will end June 30, 2024. He hopes to focus on helping improve student success, student engagement in the classroom, and trying to get more adjuncts involved in the association.
“I hope to take some new ideas and use those to help instructors improve on student success,” stated Bennett. “We’ve got a lot of increase in participation among community colleges.”
Bennett also says he hopes to be an advocate for smaller community colleges, seeking their input in decisions.
For now, Bennett says he is in the stages of planning of the upcoming conference that will take place in Raleigh this March.
A native of Rocky Mount, Bennett has been serving students for more than 25 years, serving as a community college instructor for 12 of those years. He also taught internationally for a 2-year span at a community college in Canada. He and his wife of almost 30 years live in Lumberton and have three children.