RCC Summer Surge classes start June 19
For the first time, Robeson Community College will offer 4-week Summer Surge classes. These classes will begin on June 19 and will be available completely online.
“We wanted to be able to offer high school graduates the opportunity to enroll in summer classes at Robeson Community College,” stated Dr. Johnny Smith, the Chief Academic Officer at RCC. “These classes will allow recent high school graduates, as well as any adult learner who wishes to enroll, the opportunity to get a jumpstart on their degree, and earn general education credits that will count towards graduation.”
The general education classes that will be offered include ACA 111 College Student Success, ACA 122 College Transfer Success, ART 111 Art Appreciation, PED 110 Fit and Well for Life, PSY 150 General Psychology, and SOC 210 Intro to Sociology.
Robeson Community College will also offer two mini-mester classes in Criminal Justice this summer – CJC 212 Ethics and Community Relations and CJC 214 Victimology.
“Please come out and register, and if you can’t get here in person, please call or email us, we are here to assist,” Smith said.
The RCC Admission Office can be contacted at admissions@robeson.edu or at 910-272-3342, or in person by visiting Building 13 on the main campus in Lumberton. RCC is operating on summer hours and is open Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The college is closed on Friday during the summer months.