RCC students get waffles for resumes and a lesson in fashion
As part of an effort to get more students prepared for the job fair taking place tomorrow, students at Robeson Community College were given an opportunity to receive waffles in exchange for resumes.
“It was a way to incentivize students to come in and let us help them make edits as needed to their resume,” stated Samantha Oxendine, the director of counseling and career services at RCC. “I think it was a great success… we even had to make extra copies of our resume resource flyer.”
Students lined up excited to get waffles. Even those who didn’t have a resume to drop off, left their contact information so that they could receive assistance in creating one, and some stayed to talk with counselors in their offices to learn about the College Central Network, the search engine available for students to find jobs.
“We shared information with students about the Career Fair on April 25,” said Oxendine. “It was definitely a collaborative effort.”
The idea for this event was born when representatives from Waffle House came by to drop off business cards since they were hiring and were interested in seeing if any students from RCC would be interested in a job. As they talked about the staffing shortages, Susan Moore, a counselor at RCC, asked Waffle House if they would be willing to partner with the college so they could get more students prepped and ready for the job fair, and of course, Waffle House loved the idea and came out to serve students free waffles in exchange for resume assistance.
“We thank Waffle House for their generosity, time, and commitment to our students in coming out to prepare waffles on our campus,” said Oxendine. “We served over 80 students, and we even had some employees come by to learn about the services available.”
The Career and Counseling Office has also been getting students aware of the fashion do’s and don’ts of how to dress professionally for interviews with a mobile fashion show. All month long, mannequins have been on display in buildings throughout campus showing what’s considered appropriate dress attire for resumes.
“First impressions are important, and your clothing plays a major role in these impressions when talking with employers,” said Oxendine. “We thank Cato’s of Lumberton, Down South Boutique in Pembroke, and the RCC Career Closet for donating the mannequins to display the fashion do’s and don’ts.”
The Outdoor Career and Resource Fair at Robeson Community College will take place from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the middle of campus, what many refer to as the quad area between Buildings 13 and 17. More than 50 employers are expected to be in attendance. The event is free and open to the public. To learn more, please visit www.robeson.edu.