Robeson Community College

OVW Encourages Healthy Relationships

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month was recognized last month in order to promote the dangers that young individuals between the ages of 18 – 24 may encounter when dating. The Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) promoted the month by providing students and employees with orange ribbons to wear and posters were displayed on campus with various prevention messages. Prevention messages and posts were shared on Instagram as well. Numerous activities were shared on campus including class presentations on dangers in dating an abuser, understanding consent, becoming an active bystander, and determining traits characteristic of a healthy dating relationship vs an abusive relationship.

In addition, on Feb. 13, students were treated with hot cocoa and cookies and had the chance to pick up literature and speak with community representatives from Lumberton Treatment Center, Robeson Health Dept., the Rape Crisis Center, and the OVW program on campus. Literature was provided on various subjects, from dangers in texting and sexting, the influence of alcohol/drug abuse on dating and sexual assault. Students were able to participate in the What Would You Do Wheel Game to answer various scenarios on how they could aid as an active bystander, and earn a sweet treat; which was very popular.

 For more information, contact Bonita B. Bell, Office of Violence Against Women Campus Grant Coordinator at (910) 272-3354 or

Girls participating in stalking activity