Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Mechatronics is High Tech with a BIG PAYCHECK!
Learn from the best instructors in a growing field that is in high demand.
In this multidisciplinary field, you’ll learn how to use robotics, work with programmable logic controllers also known as PLC,
how to troubleshooting equipment, how to weld, various aspects of electricity and electrical systems, and more!
Earn an associate degree or certificate!
Continuing education classes may also be available.
Register now!
Click here to read about Jeremiah Locklear and Angel Santiago’s SkillsUSA win!
#1 in the North Carolina SkillsUSA Contest for Mechatronics, three years in a row – 2022, 2023, 2024!
#4 in the National SkillsUSA competition in 2022
#2 in the National SkillsUSA competition in 2023
We’re hoping for #1 in Nationals for 2024! The competition takes place in June 2024!
If you would like to learn more, please fill out the contact form below.