Robeson Community College

Mark Morse Inspires Students

Mark Morse, owner, and operator of the Lumberton Chick-fil-A franchise. recently presented a seminar on effective job-seeking strategies to over 100 College and Career Readiness students and guests.

With Chick-Fil-A, the employment process begins with the application.  He stressed the need for applicants to very carefully complete the application, paying particular attention to detail, neatness, accuracy, and completeness.

A critical component of any job-seeking process is the interview.  He suggested that applicants prepare for the interview by practicing, using a trusted adult who is knowledgeable as the interviewer.  He emphasized the importance of being professional in your dress, using good diction and proper noun/verb correlation, and being enthusiastic.  Also, make sure you understand what the next steps will be.  ‘Most of all,” he stated, “please be yourself, but bring the best version of yourself to the interview…, and then to work every day.”

Following his presentation, he held an informative question and answer session.

Gentlemen delivering speech