Robeson Community College

How to file a Title IX Complaint

How to file a Title IX Complaint

Robeson Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or other non-relevant factors in its educational programs and/or activities.

If you believe that you or someone you know has been discriminated against or are victim(s) of sexual harassment, sexual violence or sexual discrimination, the following options are available to assist in making a compliant.

Criminal Reporting: If the alleged harassment/discrimination is criminal in nature, a report should be made to the local police department and/or Sheriff’s department.
If it is an emergency call 911 to report immediately.

Non-Criminal Reporting (Students): Complaints alleging sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking committed by a student(s) should be reported to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

Patricia Strickland
Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Director of A.S. Thomas Center                                             
62 Union Chapel Rd, Pembroke, N.C. 28372   (910) 272-3611

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Assists the Title IX Coordinator with various Title IX implementation activities that involve student complaints.

Duties and Responsibilities: Title IX compliance for matters involving students, including training, education, communication, monitoring and oversight of the grievance procedure for all complaints by or against RCC students.

Non-Criminal Reporting (Faculty/Staff/Visitors): Complaints alleging sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking committed by Faculty/Staff/Visitors should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.

Laticia Black
Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator

5160 Fayetteville Rd, Lumberton, N.C. 28360
Administration Building #2, Office #226A   (910) 272-3537

Title IX Coordinator: The designated person(s) responsible for oversight of the College’s response to all Title IX reports and complaints.

Duties and Responsibilities: Title IX compliance for matters involving faculty and staff, including training, education, communication, and administration of the grievance procedure for all complaints against faculty, staff and visitors, including those complaints filed by students.

Initial Evaluation (Complainant)
An initial meeting will be conducted to access the nature and circumstances surrounding the complaint. The complainant and/or third party will receive a Victim Information packet, which contains resources, procedural options, complainant rights, remedial/interim measures, and grievance procedures.

Initial Evaluation (Respondent)
An initial meeting will be conducted where the Respondent will receive a copy of the incident report or other evidence against them, have the option to respond to the allegations, and be informed of their options for resolving the complaint. The Respondent will also receive a Respondent Information packet, which contains resources, procedural options, respondent rights, remedial/interim measures, and grievance procedures.

Interim Measures (If Applicable)
The College will determine which measures are appropriate to either or both the reporting and responding parties involved on a case-by-case basis. Not all measures listed below will be necessary in every case to ensure equal access to educational programs and activities.

  • Avoid contact with alleged perpetrator
    • Right to report a crime to campus/local law enforcement
    • Disability Services, health and mental health services
    • Resources: victim advocacy, housing assistance, academic support, counseling
    • Academic Conformations
    • Assistance in arranging for alternative College employment arrangements and/or
      changing work schedules
    • A “No contact” directive pending the outcome of an investigation.
    • Parking conformations/ safety escorts to and from parking lots/structures

Time Frame for Investigation
Robeson Community College will conduct an investigation that is fair, objective, and impartial. A notice of outcome and sanction(s) will be emailed to both complainant and respondent within sixty (60) calendar days of the date the complaint was received.

Notice of Outcome
Written notice of the outcome of disciplinary proceeding will be provided to both reporting and responding parties concurrently. The content of the notice may vary depending on the underlying allegations and the age of the students.

Notice to Reporting Party
-Findings as to whether the alleged conduct occurred
-Remedies offered to the victim
-Sanctions imposed on perpetrator that relate directly to the victim
-Steps the College is taking to remedy the College environment
-To initiate an appeal, the student must appeal in writing within three school days after receipt of the Committee’s decision.

Notice to Responding Party
-Findings as to whether the alleged conduct occurred
-If applicable, sanction(s) imposed
-Steps the College is taking to remedy the College environment
-To initiate an appeal, the student must appeal in writing within three school days after receipt of the Committee’s decision.

Appeals Procedure
Decisions rendered by the Campus Standards Committee may be appealed to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Support Services or his/her designee. To initiate an appeal, the student must appeal in writing within three school days after receipt of the Committee’s decision. In an appeal the student should demonstrate that: (1) there is new evidence that could not be obtained previously; (2) the Assistant Vice President of Student Support Services, his/her designee, and/or the Campus Standards Committee exhibited prejudice or other unfair treatment to the student; and/or (3) the decision does not relate appropriately to the charges.

The Vice President shall have the authority to: (1) review the proceedings and findings of the Campus Standards Committee: (2) conduct interviews with the student charged, the Title IX/Deputy Title IX Coordinator and/or his/her designee, Campus Standards Committee members, and/or witnesses; and (3) approve, modify, or overturn the decision or sanction of the Campus Standards Committee. The Vice-President of the Instruction and Support Services or his/her designee will inform the student in writing of the final decision within five school days of the receipt of the appeal.

Decisions rendered by the Vice-President of Instruction and Student Support Services or his/her designee will be considered final.