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Itzel Barrales Cervantes wins RCC’s 2024 Cosmetology ‘Fantasy Display’ Contest

What started in 2022 as a way to prepare for the North Carolina SkillsUSA competition, has now grown into a major contest for the cosmetology department at Robeson Community College, with students battling it out to win the title for the best fantasy display.  

This year the contest resulted in more than 20 students submitting original works of arts – mannequins turned into imaginary, fantasy character depictions many of which were inspired by modern day pop culture.

Itzel Barrales Cervantes was declared the winner of the 2024 contest after a campus wide vote by faculty, staff and students of her creation of La Catrina.

La Catrina is perhaps the most famous icon of the Mexican Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. It’s an annual fiesta in honor of the deceased that takes place on November 1 and November 2 each year. “La Catrina,” originally a satire sketch created by Jose Guadalupe Posada, is endlessly reproduced during the holiday. Known for her skeleton look, skull makeup, and elegant attire, it is said that La Catrina embodies the idea that death is an integral part of life, to be acknowledged and celebrated.

“My culture was the inspiration behind my character display of La Catrina,” stated Cervantes. “Being Hispanic, we celebrate the Day of the Dead, it’s a day family members can remember loved ones that passed away.”

Cervantes says she did not expect to win, but is so happy and excited that she did.

“I put my portfolio out the second day instead of the first, so I didn’t think I had a chance of winning,” Cervantes said. “I did it all in a week, I felt rushed and like everything came together at the last minute…. There were many other contestants that were better, there were 4 or 5 picks that I felt were better than mine.”

With summer classes drawing to a close, Cervantes is looking forward to the future.

“I wanted to become a cosmetologist because I wanted to give people a good feeling about themselves,” Cervantes said. “I should finish the program in May 2025.”

Being only one of two students enrolled in the night continuing education cosmetology class, Cervantes says she’s so grateful for the opportunity to work towards her goals.  

“RCC, I thank you for allowing for the night program to take place,” Cervantes said. “Without the night program, I couldn’t have done all this… I’m a mother and I work full time… so being able to attend at night has allowed me the opportunity to go to school, learn cosmetology, and I am just so thankful.”

Taylor Gaddy took 2nd place for the fantasy display of Avatar and 3rd place went to Tanisha Delinois for her depiction of Te Fiti. Kayla Kushmock won honorable mention for Lollipop Princess of Candy Land. To see all the entries submitted, please watch the slideshow below.

If you are interested in learning more about the cosmetology program at Robeson Community College, please contact Mary Ransom at 910-272-3422 or



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