Faculty Spotlight: Sherry Lofton, faculty person of the year
From the Army Reserves to teaching, Sherry Lofton’s career has been one of dedication and service to others. She was named the 2022 Faculty Member of the Year, a distinct honor that highlighted her commitment to students, Robeson Community College, and the community.
“It just made me feel good,” stated Sherry, who is an English instructor at RCC. “Just being nominated made me realize that my peers appreciated what I was doing…I was surprised, I have been nominated before.”
She adds, “Everyone does a lot, so just to be picked was an honor.”
Her nominator wrote, “Sherry has made an awesome impact on RCC’s campus community since she joined full-time faculty in 2007. With her passion for veterans, Sherry makes a point to honor and support veterans and active military personnel and their families whenever she gets the chance.”
Enlisting in the United States Army at the age of 19, Sherry started her career as a 94 Bravo Culinary Specialist. It was a job that she says she loved very much.
“I use to cook for my dad, so it was the perfect thing for me to cook for soldiers,” Sherry said. “I wanted to be around soldiers and help out… I’m very patriotic.”
Being the only female in her unit at the time, Sherry says it was an honor that really pushed her to be her best.
“When we would run, I would make sure that I never came in last,” she said laughing.
When she first joined the military, Sherry says that like many, she had a preconceived notion.
“You grow up thinking that everyone is a superhero, but the people in the military are everyday humans, just like you, they have families, just like you,” stated Sherry.
Sherry says her love of soldiers is one that comes from her experience in the Reserves.
“I visit veterans at rest homes sometimes and speak to veterans a lot. I have seen the effects of war and deployments, and during my time, I just wanted to take care of soldiers,” stated Sherry.
That’s part of why Sherry has been so passionate about helping to get a military resource center established at Robeson Community College.
“I spoke to President Singler about having the Golden Knights jump on our campus before COVID hit,” stated Sherry. “She said she wanted to have a Veteran’s Center established. She asked me to put a committee together to come up with some ideas for getting one started.”
This past April the ideas became a reality when the Military Affiliated Resource Center (MARC) opened at Robeson Community College, and of course, Sherry was instrumental in making sure that no detail was overlooked.
“Under her leadership and chairing the Cultural Events committee, two ceremonies were held recently at RCC with military personnel in mind,” stated her nominator. “The first, held March 14, 2022, served as the preview of the First Gulf War traveling exhibit from the NC Museum of History. The second, held April 6, 2022, celebrated the opening of the Military Affiliated Resource Center (MARC) with the Golden Knights jumping into the center of campus.”
Her nominator continued in saying, “she is a member of the Lumbee Warriors and Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 7, serving and volunteering for veterans. She helped create Unit 7 and served as the Commander in 2015.”
As part of her work with the Lumbee Warriors, Sherry helps to raise funds for scholarships and provide information to veterans. She also continues to volunteer for the Military Affiliated Resource Center at RCC.
“I hope we can do workshops for veteran students and family receiving school benefits in the future,” said Sherry. “Veterans need information on VA Claims and we can offer them an opportunity to come to campus.”
Along with her love of taking care of those who have served in our nation’s military, Sherry loves to write and has a passion for helping students from all backgrounds and walks of life.
“I love teaching and being in the classroom,” stated Sherry, who earned her masters and bachelor’s degree from UNC Pembroke. “I love to write…Writing and communication helps you express ideas.”
According to her nominator, Sherry started the Friends of the Arts for current and former English partners and business individuals to help fund events on campus.
“Every year, she mails out letters to Friends of the Arts donors that include a copy of our departmental magazine, Reason & Rhyme,” stated her nominator. “Sherry has actively worked to bring culture to our campus. Recently, she played an integral role in bringing the “Elephant Exhibit” to us. She has organized the English Department’s poetry contest for 8 years and the Veteran’s Day Poetry contest. The Cultural Events committee she chairs also sponsored a photography contest in 2021.”
Sherry says she loves to write poetry and has thought about publishing a book one day, but for now she says “I see myself continuing to be at RCC until I retire, and trying to do more for veterans.”
A native of Robeson County, Sherry resides with her husband, Eric, and two children – Elana and Mena.
“I want to thank everyone at RCC for picking me as faculty of the year. I hope I can represent the college well.”