Law Enforcement Training Schedules
Law Enforcement Training Schedule has been updated. 01/10/2024
- Training Schedules
- Advanced Law Enforcement Training Schedule
Start Date End Date Course Title Location Instructor Hours Availability 1/16/2024 1/18/2024 Crime Scene Investigation BLDG 11 RM 1126 MilCo Training Sol 0800-1700 OPEN 1/22/2024 2/7/2024 General Instructor BLDG 11 RM 1126 Various 0800-1700 CLOSED 2/5/2024 2/9/2024 Hostage Negotiations BLDG 11 1128 NCJA / Rob Phelan 0800-1700 CLOSED 2/5/2024 4/5/2024 First Line Supervision ONLINE MilCo Sol ONLINE OPEN 2/13/2024 2/13/2024 Homicide Academy: Analyzing 911 Calls for Homicide ONLINE MilCo Sol ONLINE OPEN 2/14/2024 2/14/2024 Homicide Academy: Violent Crime Profile ONLINE MilCo ONLINE OPEN 2/19/2024 2/23/2024 Mantracking Level II BLDG 11 RM 1128 Tactical Tracker LLC 0800-1900 OPEN 2/22/2024 2/23/2024 Advanced Report Writing BLDG 11 RM 1126 Timothy Quigly 0800-1700 OPEN 2/26/2024 3/8/2024 PLI BLDG 11 RM 1128 Andrew Tillmer 0800-1700 OPEN 3/11/2024 3/12/2024 Homicide Academy: Cold Cases BLDG 11 RM 1126 MilCo Training Sol 0800-1700 OPEN 3/18/2024 3/22/2024 FTO: Field Training Officer BLDG 11 RM 1128 RCC Staff 0800-1700 OPEN 3/25/2024 3/25/2024 Surviving the First 3 Seconds BLDG 9 RM 901 Kirk Hinsley 0800-1700 OPEN 3/25/2024 5/24/2024 Principles of Effective Supervision ONLINE MilCo Sol ONLINE OPEN 3/28/2024 3/28/2024 Advance Hostage Negotiations (Part I) LETC (Green Grove) Timothy Quigly 0800-1700 OPEN 4/2/2024 4/4/2024 Simunitions Instructor Course LETC (Green Grove) Simutions 0800-1700 OPEN 4/11/2024 4/12/2024 Weathering The Storm BLDG 11 RM 1126 NCJA/ Jessica Cook 0800-1700 OPEN 4/15/2024 4/19/2024 Officer Readiness BLDG 11 RM 1126 RCC Staff 0800-1700 OPEN 4/22/2024 4/22/2024 Death & Crime Scene Management ONLINE MilCo Sol ONLINE OPEN 4/25/2024 4/25/2024 Advance Hostage Negotiations (part 2 ) LETC (Green Grove) Timothy Quigly 0800-1700 OPEN 4/29/2024 5/3/2024 CIT: Crisis Intervention Training BLDG 11 RM 1126 Eastpointe /RCC 0800-1700 OPEN 5/6/2024 5/8/2024 Cellphone & Social Media Records Extraction BLDG 11 RM 1128 211 Solutions 0800-1700 OPEN 5/13/2024 5/13/2024 Hoarding : Safety and Mental Health Considerations for the first responder BLDG 11RM 1128 Susan Baggett 0800-1700 OPEN 5/20/2024 5/21/2024 Advanced Assisting Indaviduals In Crisis BLDG 11 RM 1128 Ned Fowler 0800-1700 OPEN 5/22/2024 5/23/2024 Advanced Group Crisis Intervention BLDG 11 RM 1128 Ned Fowler 0800-1700 OPEN 5/30/2024 5/30/2024 Advanced Hostage Negotiations (Part 3) LETC (Green Grove) Timothy Quigly 0800-1700 OPEN 6/3/2024 6/5/2024 Advanced Homicide Investigation BLDG 11 RM 1126 MilCo Training Sol 0800-1700 OPEN 6/10/2024 8/4/2024 Change Management ONLINE MilCo Training Sol ONLINE OPEN 6/10/2024 6/27/2024 General Instructor BLDG 11 RM 1126 Various 0800-1700 OPEN 7/15/2024 7/19/2024 SRO Survival BLDG 11 RM 1126 MilCo Training Sol 0800-1700 OPEN 7/22/2024 7/25/2024 Rapid Deployment Instructor BLDG 11 RM 1126 NCJA/ Rob Phelan 0800-1700 OPEN 8/19/2024 10/13/2024 Executive Leadership ONLINE MilCo Training Sol ONLINE OPEN 9/24/2024 9/26/2024 Fundamentals of the Investigative Process BLDG 11 RM 1128 Blueline Training 0800-1700 OPEN 10/22/2024 10/23/2024 Suicide Investigation BLDG 11 RM 1126 Blueline Training 0800-1700 OPEN 11/12/2024 11/12/2024 Inside the Mind of the Violent Offender BLDG 11 RM 1126 Blueline Training 0800-1700 OPEN 11/13/2024 11/13/2024 Domestic Violence: from Obsession to Murder BLDG 11 RM 1126 Blueline Training 0800-1700 OPEN 11/14/2024 11/14/2024 Interview & Interrogation: Detection and Overcoming Deception BLDG 11 RM 1126 Blueline Training 0800-1700 OPEN - Mandatory In-Service Training Schedule
Start Date End Date Course Title Location Instructor Hours Availability 1/10/2024 1/10/2024 In-Service: Legal Update TBD 0800-1200 OPEN 1/10/2024 1/10/2024 In-Service: Legislative Update TBD 1300-1700 OPEN 1/17/2024 1/17/2024 In-Service: Legal Update TBD 0800-1200 OPEN 1/17/2024 1/17/2024 In-Service: Legislative Update TBD 1300-1700 OPEN 1/18/2024 1/18/2024 In-Service: Legal Update TBD 0800-1200 OPEN 1/18/2024 1/18/2024 In-Service: Legislative Update TBD 1300-1700 OPEN 1/24/2024 1/24/2024 In-Service: Legal Update TBD 0800-1200 OPEN 1/24/2024 1/24/2024 In-Service: Legislative Update TBD 1300-1700 OPEN 1/31/2024 1/31/2024 In-Service: Legal Update TBD 0800-1200 OPEN 1/31/2024 1/31/2024 In-Service: Legislative Update TBD 1300-1700 OPEN 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 In-Service: Active Assailant: Preparation and Response TBD OPEN 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 In-Service: Officer Safety TBD OPEN 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 In-Service: Care Under Fire Law Enforcement TBD OPEN 2/14/2024 2/14/2024 In-Service: Active Assailant: Preparation and Response TBD OPEN 2/14/2024 2/14/2024 In-Service: Officer Safety TBD OPEN 2/14/2024 2/14/2024 In-Service: Care Under Fire Law Enforcement TBD OPEN 2/21/2024 2/21/2024 In-Service: Active Assailant: Preparation and Response TBD OPEN 2/21/2024 2/21/2024 In-Service: Officer Safety TBD OPEN 2/21/2024 2/21/2024 In-Service: Care Under Fire Law Enforcement TBD OPEN 2/28/2024 2/28/2024 In-Service: Active Assailant: Preparation and Response TBD OPEN 2/28/2024 2/28/2024 In-Service: Officer Safety TBD OPEN 2/28/2024 2/28/2024 In-Service: Care Under Fire Law Enforcement TBD OPEN 3/6/2024 3/6/2024 In-Service: Juvenile Justice TBD OPEN 3/6/2024 3/6/2024 In-Service: Domestic Violence Overcoming Elder Abuse TBD OPEN 3/6/2024 3/6/2024 In-Service: Ethics, Increasing Professionalism TBD OPEN 3/6/2024 3/6/2024 In-Service: Citizens with Firearms TBD OPEN 3/13/2024 3/13/2024 In-Service: Juvenile Justice TBD OPEN 3/13/2024 3/13/2024 In-Service: Domestic Violence Overcoming Elder Abuse TBD OPEN 3/13/2024 3/13/2024 In-Service: Ethics, Increasing Professionalism TBD OPEN 3/13/2024 3/13/2024 In-Service: Citizens with Firearms TBD OPEN 3/20/2024 3/20/2024 In-Service: Juvenile Justice TBD OPEN 3/20/2024 3/20/2024 In-Service: Domestic Violence Overcoming Elder Abuse TBD OPEN 3/20/2024 3/20/2024 In-Service: Ethics, Increasing Professionalism TBD OPEN 3/20/2024 3/20/2024 In-Service: Citizens with Firearms TBD OPEN 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 In-Service: Juvenile Justice TBD OPEN 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 In-Service: Domestic Violence Overcoming Elder Abuse TBD OPEN 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 In-Service: Ethics, Increasing Professionalism TBD OPEN 3/27/2024 3/27/2024 In-Service: Citizens with Firearms TBD OPEN 4/3/2024 4/3/2024 In-Service: CPR TBD OPEN 4/3/2024 4/3/2024 In-Service: BBP/HAZMAT TBD OPEN 4/10/2024 4/10/2024 In-Service: CPR TBD OPEN 4/10/2024 4/10/2024 In-Service: BBP/HAZMAT TBD OPEN 4/11/2024 4/11/2024 In-Service: CPR TBD OPEN 4/11/2024 4/11/2024 In-Service: BBP/HAZMAT TBD OPEN 4/17/2024 4/17/2024 In-Service: CPR TBD OPEN 4/17/2024 4/17/2024 In-Service: BBP/HAZMAT TBD OPEN 4/24/2024 4/24/2024 In-Service: CPR TBD OPEN 4/24/2024 4/24/2024 In-Service: BBP/HAZMAT TBD OPEN - Speed Measuring Instrument Training Schedule
Start Date End Date Course Title Location Instructor Hours Availability Test Location 04/15/2024 04/19/2024 Basic RADAR Operator Building 11 Bruce Meares 40 OPEN Cape Fear CC 06/17/2024 06/21/2024 Basic RADAR Operator Building 11 Bruce Meares 40 OPEN Robeson CC 08/12/2024 08/16/2024 Basic RADAR Operator Building 11 Bruce Meares 40 OPEN Robeson CC BASIC LIDAR OPERATORS COURSE
Start Date End Date Course Title Location Instructor Hours Availability Test Location 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 Basic Lidar Building 11 B. Meares 12 Yes 05/01/2024 05/01/2024 Basic Lidar Building 11 B. Meares 12 Yes 09/04/2024 09/04/2024 Basic Lidar Building 11 B. Meares 12 Yes