BLET at RCC Hopes to Curb Shortage of Officers
If you are looking to get training for a job that has a 100% hiring rate, you might want to consider a career in law enforcement. At least that’s what’s the faculty at Robeson Community College hope you will do, and in doing so, you just might help curb the shortage of police officers in North Carolina and make an impact upon your community.
“We need people to step up to the plate and make a difference,” said Rudy Locklear, the director of the basic law enforcement training and criminal justice programs at Robeson Community College. “When we call 911, we all want the peace of mind that an officer will be there within a reasonable amount of time.”
Nationwide, the number of police officers has been on a steady decline for the last 8 years due to retirements and fewer young people going into the profession.
North Carolina has seen its share of shortages of officers, with cities across the state experiencing a “staffing crisis” which have forced police departments to narrow their focus based on the severity of crimes being committed in order to improve the response time for emergency calls.
Robeson Community College has two opportunities for those interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. A day and night academy will begin on August 16 for the basic law enforcement training program. Applications for both day and night academies are being accepted.
“We need students who are interested in making a positive impact,” said Locklear.
Locklear will be hosting two virtual information sessions for those interested in a career in law enforcement. Sessions will be held on Monday, July 19 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. via Blackboard Collaborate. The 9:00 a.m. session can be joined at this link: The 3:00 p.m. session can be viewed here:
“Officers are needed, and they are needed quickly,” Locklear stated. “Without more students enrolling in BLET, it equates to fewer officers entering the workforce and that creates more of a strain on agencies already struggling.”
The most recent academy at RCC saw 100% of its students employed with a law enforcement agency or were in the hiring process of becoming employed before they graduated.
The only costs associated with the program are for books and a uniform, for which financial aid or scholarships may be available. The tuition for BLET is covered at 100% by the State of North Carolina for all students accepted into the program.
In addition, those who complete the BLET program can receive credit for 4 classes which can be used to pursue an associate’s degree in criminal justice. Those classes are CJC 131 Criminal Law, CJC 132 Court Procedure & Evidence, CJC 221 Investigative Principles, and CJC 231 Constitutional Law.
“Law Enforcement is a great profession,” said Locklear. “There are many benefits and there are several of opportunities for career progression.”
To enroll, students must complete an application packet which can be obtained at the Sammy Cox Law Enforcement Center. For more information on the BLET program, please contact Rudy Locklear at (910) 272-3480 or