$16,000 Given In Honor Of Community Hero
The Julian T. Pierce Memorial Scholarship Initiative Committee presented a $16,000 contribution to Robeson Community College.
The check presentation was held at North Carolina Legal Aid, a law office in Pembroke where Pierce was the founding director.
The Julian T. Pierce Memorial Scholarship was established at Robeson Community College in 2013 through a collaborative effort between Robeson Community College, the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, North Carolina Central University, and North Carolina Legal Aid.
Pierce was an attorney and civil rights activist in Robeson County. As a lawyer and through his civic involvement, Pierce fought for education, equality, and justice for all people. In 1978, he became the first director of Lumbee River Legal Services, known today as N.C. Legal Aid. In 1988, Pierce was murdered while running for election to the Superior Court. He would have been the first American Indian to hold the position of Superior Court judge in North Carolina.
The Julian T. Pierce Memorial Initiative has been formed to ensure that Julian’s life and contributions are remembered, recognized, honored, and celebrated.
For information, call Rebekah Lowry, Director of Foundation & Development, at 910-272-3235 or email relowry@robeson.edu.
Elements of this post have been taken from Robesonian.com